Designing Snowflake Ornament 

by ursulawolz

This is the sketch pad version of a very simple stellar snowflake done on white felt.  It was a first pass at defining a stellar dendrite snowflake. It has problems: (1) backtracking in satin stitch is a waste, better to go out to the edges in running stitch and return with satin which is a technique called underlaying in professional machine embroidery.  (2) The branches are too short and (3) playing with (parameterizing) the angles might help. (4) When cutting, need to take care that the satin stitch around the edges isn't cut into. (5) The loop at the top is too big.  Next step is to turn it into reusable blocks and set up to pass any branch pattern into a snowflake.

Created: 2 years, 2 months ago Last modified: 1 day, 9 hours ago

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