
by brickware

This project uses three created blocks, two of which modify global variables - path and comp.  (I know ew, but I wasn't sure how to return a value from a block). 

The create block takes on parameter, the level. It is recursive, generating a path that is 2^level + 1 - this can take a long time if the level is more than 10 or 11, so be forewarned. The create block uses another block - complement which generates the complement of a path. 

The draw block will draw the resulting path. It takes 3 parameters: a path, the starting y position (in case you want to move it "up" from the center to keep it in bounds), and the stitch - either cross, running, or z. 

#fractal #recursion

Created: 5 years, 6 months ago Last modified: 2 months ago

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