Hommage to Molnár 

by Richard

Inspired (unwittingly) by Vera Molnár's work Hommage à Dürer, 400 aiguilles, traversées par un fil (Homage to Dürer 400 Needles Crossed by a Thread) 1989/2004.

I saw it isolated and unattributed in Twitter and thought "I could program that in Turtlestitch!"

More about Vera:

I look forward to developing these ideas further, once I have had the chance to stitch it and see how it works with thread.

May 2018

Created: 6 years, 9 months ago Last modified: 3 days, 21 hours ago

8 2 4 1688

Comments (2)

I found it a little less precise in thread than I would have liked, but I still loved it. It turns out that Glenn knew all about Vera and has been doing his own work on this concept and I hope we will see it soon...
Wow! I did also research Vera Molnár. Very thankful, that you coded that pattern! I'll give it a try in embroidering it.